Meet The Artist!

Meet the Artist

Hi there, friend!

 My name is Brianna.

Ginger & Twine Co. is currently undergoing a lot of big changes, so let me explain to you what’s going on.


I’m a twenty-something creative living in Tennessee who just wants to try her hand at nearly every art form under the sun. Artist’s ADD, if you will.


Settling on fiber art in late 2020, I started Ginger & Twine Co., officially opening up my Etsy shop in May of 2021, and actually did really well with it, sometimes receiving over twenty orders a day. I was so unbelievably grateful for the success I had never expected, but due to the handmade nature of macrame, it was becoming incredibly unsustainable for me.


My whole purpose for starting a small business was so that I could stay home with my future children and still help support our family financially. And I could not feasibly see myself spending 12 hours a day running my business, if I was also going to be an attentive mother to my children.


After a good couple years making hundreds of macrame keychains, I decided that the path that aligns best with my goals was for me to go back to my roots, and pursue illustration.


My whole life, every time I spend a season trying out a new art form, I end the season with a pencil or paintbrush in my hand.


The idea behind this decision was that I could produce a single artwork whenever motherhood would allow me, and then sell copies of the art on decorative and stationery products, and as digital resources. This should allow me to grow my business without sacrificing too much of what it takes to be present as a mother.


So that’s the plan. I’m still in the early stages of setting this plan in motion so you will still be seeing quite a few fiber art products in the shop until I’m able to collect a good assortment of illustrated products to offer. But once I run out of macrame supplies, that’s the end of Ginger & Twine’s fiber art era.


My vision for Ginger & Twine Co. is to eventually offer a one-stop-shop for all your cottagecore needs.


In art and in life, I’ve always been inspired by slow living, cozy things, and Mother Nature, and I feel the cottagecore aesthetic fits that set of interests quite well.


This decision to build a little career in illustration is going to be an ongoing journey for me as I discover styles and techniques that speak to me most, and I would love to share that journey with you. Please join me and follow along as I document my experiences, findings, and ponderings in my art journal!


Thanks for bearing with me as we undergo this slow transition. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for Ginger & Twine Co. ♥

xo, Brianna